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MesoButton Hyaluronic Acid 2%Meso Serum

6x5 ml


Hyaluronic Acid has a water-holding capacity of up to thousands of its molecular weight, makes easy epidermic hydration and provides volume. It fills the interfibrals between the collagen gels, so it can be used to improve wrinkles and also increases collagen production. It improves the appearance of fibroblasts and collagen, as well as improving the appearance of the skin with the effect of moisturizing and increasing the skin tone in the areas where skin becomes thinner. Hyaluronic Acid is found in every tissue of the body and is responsible for performing certain vital activities. Some of the important benefits of Hyaluronic Acid are the treatment of joint pain, reducing skin aging and strengthening the immune system. Hyaluronic Acid deficiency can cause wrinkles on the face, but can also cause loss of skin elasticity. Water retention and moisturizing is the most important feature. Helps keep skin smooth and supple. Hyaluronic Acid is also useful to prevent acne scars. Repairing the tissues and maintaining elasticity is one of the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid. This feature prevents aging of the skin. Helps the formation and maintenance of collagen fibers. Reduction of collagen causes the skin to lose its elasticity. It also helps combat skin inflammation and irritation. As the age increases, the cell mitosis rate decreases, so the cellular regeneration and repair process slows down. The presence of Hyaluronic Acid is helpful in reversing this situation.